RaDene Smith

Health Insurance Specialist

RaDene Smith is an Account Manager at Diversify Health Insurance. Her specialties include group employer benefit plans, individual/family insurance and Medicare. Prior to joining Diversify, RaDene worked as an insurance broker/consultant for employer groups and in human resource management in various industries.

Mrs. Smith is active volunteer in the local community. She is currently serving on the Utah Worksite Wellness Council. In addition, she served for many years on the State Council and belonged to the local boards of the Society for Human Resource Management.

Mrs. Smith has four children and currently resides in Riverton, Utah.

Licenses and Registrations:
Life, Accident and Health Insurance
Group Benefits Associate (GBA)
Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR)

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Soon we will be unveiling a new website experience that better supports our commitment to you and our most recent merger announcements. We extend a warm welcome to Caliber Wealth Management and FirstPurpose Wealth, our newest family members! Stay tuned us as we work on the new website to bring you an enhanced and seamless experience.